Unstoppable domains
When withdrawing cryptocurrencies from WhiteBIT, you need to specify a wallet address on another platform. Thanks to Unstoppable Domains, the long address of your wallet can be replaced with a personalized domain. For example, WeRX17TGH1gqRM21h2G3Itf4Ao08Q can be replaced with [YourName].crypto.
To get such an address with the domains "crypto", "bitcoin", "blockchain", "dao", "nft", "888", "wallet", "x", "klever", "zil", "hi", etc., you need to buy an address.domain on the Unstoppable Domains website and bind your coin and token addresses to it (they can be from different wallets), except for WhiteBIT exchange addresses.
In order to withdraw cryptocurrency from WhiteBIT you have to use your personalized address on WhiteBIT. To do this, when withdrawing cryptocurrency, specify the domain name in the field where you specify the wallet address.
Please note: if the option to select a domain name is not displayed, check if you have specified it correctly and if the domain is linked to the asset you want to withdraw.
With the FIO protocol, you can deposit and withdraw digital assets using a convenient address.
The FIO protocol (FIO) is a decentralized blockchain protocol implemented to facilitate communication between external wallets, decentralized applications (dapps) and exchanges.
The FIO address is a universal identifier - easy to read "wallet names". They allow you to forget about public blockchain addresses and work with all types of assets.
How do I top up my cryptocurrency balance with a FIO address?
If you don't have one, you can register a FIO address on our exchange. To do this, follow these steps:
- Choose a cryptocurrency, go to top up and click on the "FIO protocol" method. This way, you will be able to link your addresses on our exchange to one identifier.
- In the "Name of your FIO address" field, create a new address, and in the "Select" field, click "Change" to choose the desired cryptocurrencies. When creating an address, you can bind up to 10 digital assets. Once the address is created, you can bind more cryptocurrencies, but no more than 10 at a time.
- Click "Save" and then "Register FIO". If the registration is successful, you will see a corresponding message in the upper left corner.
- You can view the newly created address in the FIO blockchain page. After some time (up to 1 minute), when the address creation transaction is confirmed, refresh the page. The newly created domain will appear in the replenishment window.
- In the field "FIO-address for deposit request" specify the domain of the wallet from which you want to make a deposit and the amount.
- Confirmation message of successful creation of the request for the FIO-address will appear. Go to the external wallet to confirm the withdrawal request.
Please note: registering a FIO domain on our exchange does not eliminate the need to register a FIO address for the wallet from which the withdrawal will be made!
If you already have a FIO address, when depositing, click "FIO-protocol", then "Send FIO-request", specify the wallet ID from where you want to withdraw funds, specify the amount, send the request and confirm it in the external wallet.
How to withdraw cryptocurrencies using FIO address?
- In the list of cryptocurrencies, select the desired asset and click "Withdraw".
- In the "withdrawal address" field, specify the FIO address. If it is specified correctly, the exchange will show you the address.
- Click on it - it will be automatically substituted in the field.
- Select the amount and click the "Request for withdrawal" button.
- To confirm the withdrawal, specify the 2FA code and the code sent to the mail.
In case of any questions related to the functionality of our exchange, you can:
- Leave a request on our website;
- Write to the support email: support@whitebit.com;
- Write to the chat using the button
in the lower right corner of the screen (in the upper right corner of the WhiteBIT app, click