

After registering on the WhiteBIT exchange, each user has access to 5 balance pages: Total, Main, Trade, Collateral and Earn balance. To familiarize yourself with the functionality of each of them, you need to go to the Balances section in the right corner of the upper panel on the main page of the exchange.


Main and Trade balances were set to separate your assets and make the trading process more convenient. When you make a deposit, all assets are credited to your Main Balance. In order to start trading, you need to transfer funds to the Trade Balance (or Collateral Balance if you want to start margin or futures trading). Below we will go into more detail about your balances and the information you will be able to see on the relevant pages.


Total balance contains general information on all balances, always shown in USDT; the equivalent is displayed in BTC. In the Total balance section, you can make deposits and withdrawals, and if the asset's withdrawals/deposits are closed, the option to subscribe to notifications to enable deposits/withdrawals by currency is available.

For your convenience, on this page you can easily and quickly deposit, withdraw funds, make transfers between balances, go to History and use the Buy Crypto feature. To do this, you need to click on the corresponding button on the main panel.


Please note: if you have WBT in Holding, this data will also be displayed on the Total Balance page as well as on the dashboard.

Main balance is intended for deposit and withdrawal of cryptocurrency and national currency. For currencies with a positive balance it is possible to create a WhiteBIT code and open Crypto Lending plans without going to other sections (available only for those coins/tokens for which it is possible to open a plan). Also on this page you can transfer your WBTs to Holding.

Funds are held on the Main balance:

  • after the deposit is credited;
  • before withdrawal of funds;
  • after accrual of interest for referrals;
  • before WhiteBIT code creation;
  • after WhiteBIT code activation;
  • before opening a Crypto Lending plan;
  • after the Crypto Lending plan is closed or terminated.


Trade balance is only for trading without leverage (placing orders on the Spot Market), as well as for Convert funds.

In the currency bar on the right side there are 3 buttons:

  • Trade: To go to the trade page;
  • Transfer: To make a transfer between balances;
  • Convert: To quickly exchange currencies at the market price.

In order to start trading, you need to transfer the required amount of funds from the Main balance to the Trade balance.

Please note that by clicking on the arrow icon next to the ticker, you can see the list of possible trading pairs.


Collateral balance is for margin and futures trading. Only currencies available for margin and futures trading are displayed. In order to start trading with 1x, 2x, 3x, 5x, 10x or 20x leverage and use futures trading, you need to transfer the required amount of funds from the Main or Trade balance to the Collateral balance.

Earn balance is set to hold and display the funds used for Crypto Lending. Accordingly, you will be able to see the data on this page only if you have an active crypto lending plan. Once the plan is closed, the amount along with the profit is credited to the Main Balance. 

On this page, you can select a Crypto Lending plan by clicking on the corresponding button or you can go to History to see all your active and completed plans.


Please note that you can also close an active plan on this page by clicking on the "Close Plan" button in the corresponding row.

Balance Customize

On the Total, Main and Trade Balance pages you can filter the assets you need – All, Crypto, National Currency and Stable. You will see the same panel on the Collateral Balance page, but without the National Currency section.


We also recommend you to pay attention to the possibility of balance settings by clicking on the Customize button under the balance sections.


The following functions are available here: 

  • Hide equivalent (data for all assets will be displayed without USDT equivalent)
  • BTC equivalent (the equivalent in BTC will be displayed for all assets)
  • Hide zero (only assets with a positive balance will remain in the list)
  • Hide Demo Tokens (DUSDT and DBTC will be removed from the list of assets)


In case of any questions related to the functionality of our exchange, you can:

  • Leave a request on our website;
  • Write to the support email:;
  • Write to the chat using the button in the lower right corner of the screen (in the upper right corner of the WhiteBIT app, click ).

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